Diesel Engine Oil
SIGNATURE 15W40 CF4/CI4 Engine oils for Three Wheeler applications. Most of Three wheeler manufacturers now recommend oils meeting API CF4/CI4 performance levels.
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SIGNATURE 15W40 CF4 Engine oils for Three Wheeler applications. Most of Three wheeler manufacturers now recommend oils meeting API CF4 performance levels.
The above grades are premium quality diesel engine oils made from the finest paraffinic base stocks and state of the art additive technology, specifically designed to address the operational severity and engine durability issues of the modern diesel engines.
optimum protection for control of corrosive wear, low and high temperature stability, piston deposit control, valve train wear, oxidative thickening, foaming and viscosity loss due to shear. They are recommended for use in 3 wheelers & 4 wheelers
Packing:- 500ML,1LTR,3LTR,3.5LTR,5LTR,7.5LTR,10LTR,20LTR,50LTR,210LTR.
SIGNATURE 15W40 CI4 Engine oils for Three Wheeler applications. Most of Three wheeler manufacturers now recommend oils meeting API CI4 performance levels.
The above grades are premium quality diesel engine oils made from the finest paraffinic base stocks and state of the art additive technology, specifically designed to address the operational severity and engine durability issues of the modern diesel engines.
optimum protection for control of corrosive wear, low and high temperature stability, piston deposit control, valve train wear, oxidative thickening, foaming and viscosity loss due to shear. They are recommended for use in 3 wheelers & 4 wheelers
Packing:- 500ML,1LTR,3LTR,3.5LTR,5LTR,7.5LTR,10LTR,20LTR,50LTR,210LTR.